Here's the progress on my living room:
The brown sissal rug replaces the orange rug. The orange rug was in violation of the co-op rules (which require most of my floor to be covered with rugs) plus it wasn't very practical with a black cat who sheds profusely. Despite the fact that I vacuum frequently, the rug always had a greyish sheen from cat hair. The new rug is more practical and I like it! The orange chair and loveseat were Craigslist finds. They need a little bit of wood refinishing work. I have new orange pillows from
Other major progress this weekend! I have almost finished refreshing the paint in my hallway. The white hallway paint was EXTREMELY scuffed up and ugly looking. I taped off my red stripe (since it doesn't need repainting and I want to keep it) and I repainted. The reason it was possible to paint? Because I've gotten rid of most of the crap I keep in my hallway! Hooray!
I really want to do a little bit more on the hallway. I'd love to get some track lighting because the hallway has terrible lighting. I know I can get an 8-foot track that would light most of the hallway. Trouble is, I haven't been able to find any track lighting that accommodates energy-efficient light bulbs. Right now nearly every light in my apartment is compact-fluorescent and I don't want to break the trend.
Other thoughts: I found a long skinny (horizontally-oriented) shelf at Ikea. It is very glossy white. I think I could install it right up against the ceiling (it is approximately 10 inches high, 10 inches deep and maybe 70 inches long). I think it would go really well with the linear theme of my hallway, without making the hallway seem closed-off or cluttered.
Also, I am replacing my cheap plastic hallway mirror. I haven't purchased one yet, but I have been looking.
Now if I can just get my cat litter bench finished my hallway would really be coming together. Hopefully I can talk my sister into sending me the bench soon!